I’m known as a very good forger. This is my forgery of Leonardo Davinci’s, Lady With An Ermine, painted in 1490. I call mine, Girl With Her Cat Named Ermine. They’re basically indistinguishable from one another.
How I doodle.
Certain kinds of dogs love to slobber. It’s their forte. You can spot them lumbering towards you from two blocks away. Their faces are hard to resist, so I understand why people choose them as their pets. The slobbering is a choice they have to live with. Drool and slobber are part of every square inch of their lives once they own one of these. I myself prefer goldfish.
Mink Farms
As you may have already heard, mink have contacted the corona virus and transmitted a new mutated strain into humans. Denmark ordered mink farmers to cull the entire population of 17 million minks, for which farmers would be paid $3.20 a piece. How nice. After a few days, it was revealed the government didn’t really have the authority to cull all the animals but two thirds had already been wiped out. Oops. Turns out there are also mink farms in Spain, Ireland, and USA too. The biggest question I had was who the hell is still wearing mink coats? I haven’t seen one in decades. Turns out it’s quite fashionable in China and Russia. Mink farming may not survive in Denmark after this but I do hope sales of red Krylon spray paint skyrocket in China and Russia.
All creatures pass away and return to the earth. Thus begins the process again.
Earthlings have a lot in common.
The Universe
Everything is connected.
Humans have always loved to make smoke.
Joan Blondell
Actress, Joan Blondell.
World Serious
The World Series is not really the World Series this year. With only a sprinkle of fans in a stadium that’s not either teams home field, it all feels rather anemic. They are pumping in fake crowd sounds to juice up the television viewing. I’m not liking it. I watched a bunch of baseball from Korea during the pandemic and it was quite interesting. Completely empty stadiums with not a single fan in the seats, no fake crowd sounds, and no cardboard cutouts of pretend people in the seats. This made for an interesting baseball viewing experience. I only watched 2 innings of American baseball this year. I’m forcing my self to watch the Series but I can’t say I really feel anything. I prefer Shitt’s Creek.
Vegan lifestyle
This pandemic has brought so much misery upon all of us. Maybe it's a good time to reflect on how much suffering we cause animals just so we can suck down a few burgers. As we struggle to treat each other kindly, I wanted to suggest maybe just think about cutting down a little on the old meat and dairy intake for a bit. This way you would be improving your health, saving the planet, and causing less horror for our fellow animal friends. It’s a great way to earn your good deed merit badge.
These individuals have had the most influence on my life as an artist.