
I have a great knack for uncovering items to draw when I’m staying at people’s homes. The real trick is turning all of them into an interesting drawing. My forte is creating something out of everyday objects. At least I assume this is something.

Christmas Gift

Last call for getting my book of over 600 illustrations for Christmas. Perfect for dyslexic folks. Just stare at my nutty drawings. Available on Amazon or any other bookseller.

Don't Eat Lobsters

A new report commissioned by the British government concluded that lobsters, crabs, crayfish, octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish are capable of experiencing pain and suffering and should be treated as sentinent beings. It is the culmination of 300 scientific studies. They are now working on passing legislation to protect these animals from chefs and home cooks. Now we know better.


I did this drawing of Jane Goodall as I listened to her on a podcast. Then I read her new book, which is actually just a long interview with her. She's quite an original.

6 Years

Six years ago I watched the documentary, Cowspiracy. When the movie ended I knew I would be vegan for the rest of my life.


Objects elderly women love to collect or at least that’s how my little brain views these particular accoutrements. I drew these at a Thanksgiving dinner. Vegan dinner I should add.


I’m very interested to see the new documentary, Becoming Cousteau. It seems pretty obvious the film is about Jacques Cousteau, the famous ocean explorer. Apparently it shows his life, warts and all. Unfortunately, today's ocean is vastly different from the one Jacque explored.


While the COP26 climate conference goes on, I have my own little COPdraw26 climate conference. No one attends. No speeches or meetings. Just me and a few Muji pens. An occasional ant might mosey by but that’s about it.

Saturday Morning Cartoons

Whenever I turned on the television as a little kid, there was always some type of puppet ready to entertain me. Puppets ruled the land of TV. The best were the marionette’s with strings attached to their limbs. They always walked in that same herky jerky way. Kids today may love digital animation but trust me hand made puppets were a creative force to be reckoned with.

The End

This is a drawing of The End. It’s the final page of a sketchbook that is now complete. Soon I will make a video of me flipping through it so you can see what a sketchbook full of my drawings looks like these days. 96 pages.


I might be dumb. Wait, let me correct that, I am dumb. Though even an idiot like myself can figure out that torturing, abusing, and then murdering a friendly animal such as the pig is maybe something that we should not participate in. I’ve lived the past 6 years without the animals as food thing and I’m doing just fine. Still dumb, but I feel great.