My wife and I recently rented a place in the Berkshires which is in Massachusetts. Three sanctuary animals live on the farm-like property, plus a chicken named Hanifer. A neighbor across the road had a groovy log cabin. I chose that for my first drawing. Hanifer the chicken began to gravitate towards me when I drew. He liked to hang out. The owner who we rented from told me Hanifer just showed up one day and never left. He was a runaway from a nearby farm. I wondered why a fox never ate Hanifer because there was no chicken coop to keep him out of harm's way. The owner said, Haifer always stays tight to the horses and the donkey. Foxes won’t mess with them. Hanifer’s gang is the real deal.
Cat In Color
I had a stupid idea so I executed it. What if I did a drawing that I broke into sections and used a different colored pen for each one. It sort of looks like a black and white drawing that I put some kind of color filter over. I may do one where I put sections that are circular and then see how dumb that looks. I can always be counted on for doing useless things like this.
Eileen's Pool
This is my cousin Eileen’s pool in Florida. You wouldn’t know that from looking at this though. I get bored of the typical, see a pool and then draw the pool. A sketch like this can only be done wearing X-Ray specs. Yes, that’s right, just like the ones advertised in the back of old comic books that promised you could see through people’s clothes. Truth is, it won’t work on clothes but it does help you see objects living around a swimming pool.
I recently went to Florida on a few missions. It’s not like I think going to Florida in the summer is a good idea. It actually turned out to be great though. When I sit on the beach I am basically wearing a burka, comprised of rash guards, hat, towels, and long board shorts. When I got back to Brooklyn, my wife said I looked as white as when I left. Success. I always do this same drawing of shells when I’m on Marco Island. So here is a new one just as nice as the other six I’ve drawn in the past.
Lake House
I drew my friend’s lake house living room. I’m sure it’s pretty apparent to everyone that this is exactly what it looks like. It’s framed and hanging in the same living room. Now when people stand in the room, they have a hard time telling the difference between my drawing and the actual living room. Some people have actually walked into the drawing thinking it was indeed the living room.
Spent some time in the Finger Lakes of upstate New York at a friend’s house. This is my deconstructed drawing of his boat dock. His wife is one of these people who can bang out six course meals without seeming to break a sweat. The meals need to be vegan? No big deal. I left their home inspired as usual.
Squirrels Are Vegan
Squirrels are certainly vegan. I can vouch for that. I’m very happy to be hearing from so many squirrels who are supporting my new art book, “Vegan Art. A Book Of Visual Protest.” Click on LINK IN BIO TO PURCHASE or check the bookseller of your choice. It’s filled with over 200 works of art visualizing the destruction caused by the meat industry. By the way, it’s on sale for $35 bucks on Amazon USA.
Green Eyed lady
I know I bombard my feed lately with ads about my Vegan Art Book that recently came out. At least I try to make them entertaining. There are many more to come that you will have to endure. Here is a little break from that stuff for one post at least. I drew this in the midst of all the work I’m doing churning out book ads for myself.
Protest Book
My new book “Vegan Art, A Book Of Visual Protest” has come out just at the right time. I’ve been reading recently about the plight of farmed animals raised for human consumption. It seems the animals are trying to unionize. It’s a longshot but I certainly support their effort. Of course, one way to help these animals is to purchase my new art book. It is filled with over 200 visual works of art depicting the animal’s dilemma. Why not gift one to a meat and cheese eating friend. It may help change some hearts and minds.
Check the bookseller of your choice.
Game Of Shrooms 2022
This is my second work of art for the “Game Of Shrooms” art giveaway. I have to admit to making a big mistake. Part of the rules of “Game Of Shrooms” is to leave clues on your social media as to the whereabouts of your art. I wrongly figured that no one would care very much about me participating. So, I just placed them early in the morning on separate benches in a park near me when no one was around. A day after the event, a few followers sent me messages saying they were ready to follow any clues I would have given. It made me feel bad and stupid. It’s not easy being an idiot. I did learn my lesson though.
Game Of Shrooms
This past Saturday I participated in the “Game Of Shrooms.” It’s a worldwide art event created by Daniel “Attaboy” Seifert in 2019. I illustrated two works of art for said event. This is my first piece. The basic idea behind game of shrooms is to make a mushroom themed piece of art and then hide it in a public space for someone to discover and take free ownership of. I left a note for the lucky person to take a selfie holding the work of art and email it to me. Because I live in Brooklyn, people think everything is a scam and don’t trust that some artist would just leave great art laying around in a deserted park wrapped in beautiful paper with a green satin ribbon tied around it. So of course, they didn’t send me a photo. In fact, they are probably going to sue me instead. Maybe I made someone’s day, who knows?
Search Engines
SEARCH ENGINES. Many people have written to me saying they can’t find my new Vegan Art Book on their online bookseller site. There is a bit of an issue on some sites that are being fixed at the moment. Here is a work-around for the Amazon search engine. If you type, vegan art tommy kane, and nothing comes up, sometimes you have to try different approaches if your search goes cold. Try typing just my name. One or two of my books usually pops up. Then you can click on my name under one of the books. This will send you to my author page. You’ll see I live there with all my books. You can click on the new vegan book there to buy it. If you are having trouble in a foreign country that may not carry it, try the It’s ships all over the world. If none of this advice works, you can write to me and maybe I can help direct you. After all, I am a squirrel with a magnifying glass.
If cows could, they would spend all day long going to endless funerals of family members. Seeing as they are confined to factories and waiting for their own execution, this leaves little time for funeral hopping. My new book, “Vegan Art, A Book Of Visual Protest” tries to visualize the plight of these fine animals. Help someone you know to stop eating animals by gifting them a copy. The cows will thank you. It’s filled with over 200 works of art visualizing the destruction caused by the meat industry. Check the bookseller of your choice to purchase.