Vegan Art Book

Animals have been pushing me to post about my Vegan Art Book in order to remind people that it’s still for sale. Hundreds of artworks by over 20 artists showcasing what a better world could be like. If you love animals then you might want to order my book. Purchase on Amazon or any bookseller of your choice.

Ceramic Owl

This was an old ceramic I made during my pottery phase. I found it in my mom’s apartment and thought I would post it.


Recently I was in North Carolina visiting my sister. Each morning at breakfast, I’d make a little drawing from any photograph that caught my attention in the Charlotte newspaper. Over time, I had this monstrosity in my sketchbook. The Buddha statues were from the local Asian supermarket. At some point I ran out of space to jam any more images onto the page.


This is a drawing I did of two people not sleeping on the subway.

Colored Shells

I spent every waking hour I could on beaches when I was a kid. As a result, I now have to cover every square inch of my white Celtic body whenever I sit there. It’s as if I’m wearing colorful pajamas or something. I’m now the eccentric old guy my friends and I used to make fun of when we were 12 years old. This time I drew the seashells in colored pens, trying to make the same monotonous sketch look interesting. Pelicans and seagulls mock me, kids with swim goggles give me sideways glances as I struggle to see anything on my sketchbook page through my decaying eyes. I returned to Brooklyn paler than when I left.

Cat Flowers

Recently my wife and I went to visit my cousin Regina and her wife Pam.  The real purpose of the visit was for my wife to give knitting lessons to all their nieces. Yun was teaching 13 people in total. This was no easy task because people need a lot of hands on attention when first learning. Knitters usually first learn in groups of 4 not 13. Being the only outlier, I drew the fresh flowers my cousin had in in a few vases. I added the cat a few days later when we got back home. My wife was pleased at how well her students did and at how well I stayed out of the way

Game Of Shrooms 2023

This is another piece I did for the upcoming “Game Of Shrooms”. It’s a scavenger hunt where artists from around the world hide mushroom themed original art in public spaces for ordinary people to find and claim as their own. This year’s happens on June 10th. This is all the idea of Daniel “Attaboy” Seifert. Go to for more info and how to participate yourself.


I’ve read extensively about Buddhism. The past few years I meditate every morning when I wake up. I shave my head like a monk. Our apartment is filled with Buddhas from around the world. It gives me quite a bit of joy each time I draw one.


I recently spent a few days in Florida. That means I did my usual seashell drawings. I made this one different than past drawings. I attempted to make a Rorschach style, mirror image seashell illustration across two sketchbook pages. Whatever shell I found for the left page, I tried to find a similar corresponding one for the right. Not sure if I was successful or not.


I am currently back drawing in the Museum of Natural History. You can see me hunched over and scribbling in my sketchbook if you wander around the place. I was the first one in the building on a recent morning. I was in the room with blue whale on the ceiling all by myself. That was pretty surreal. As I was drawing this walrus, a 4-year old boy got into an argument with his mom. She read on the display that walruses use their tusks to break open the ice to make a hole to swim in and to help them pull themselves up onto the ice and out of the water. The kid claimed he already knew that information. He was upset she was assuming he didn’t know all kinds of National Geographic minutia due to his incredible knowledge of nature. The mom looked at me and rolled her eyes. I assumed her kid was doing this all day long. At least I learned a bit about walrus tusks.

Game of Shrooms

This is one of the works of art I did for this year’s Game of Shrooms 2023. It’s a scavenger hunt where artists from around the world hide mushroom themed original art in public spaces for ordinary people to find and claim as their own. This was all started by the artist, Daniel “Attaboy” Seifert. June 10th is the date of this year’s extravaganza. Go to and follow the link for more info and how to participate yourself.


This is the last drawing in my subway sleepers series.

Gassing Pigs

I read a very eye-opening opinion column in the New York Times recently. It was written by Noholas Kristof and titled, “Spy Cams Show What the Pork Industry Tries to Hide”. He talks about how the hog industry sells the public on the notion that gassing pigs is painless, stress free and animal friendly. The problem is, none of that is true. We should all know about this because four pigs are killed per second in the United States. Recently an activist with insider help was able to set up 3 spycams in a gas chamber owned by Smithfield Foods and grab the footage shot remotely. This was highly illegal of course but it did expose how horrible the pigs death by gassing really is. The opinion piece included the actual video too, so you can watch it to see for yourself. Everyone who sees it will be shocked but probably not enough to stop eating ham sandwiches.