I could never create a work of art like this using my own imagination. This is a drawing I did of someone else’s brilliant imagination. This was part of a totem pole that lives in Eskimo Hall that caught my eye. When someone looks through my sketchbook and gets to this page they usually say, “wow.” But in my mind, I know they are not really complimenting me, it’s for the artist who made this incredible creation.
Weather App
The sun was shining but I checked my weather app anyway. It said sun all day with a slight chance of rain starting around 4 o’clock. As I sat in the botanical gardens making this drawing at 11am, I noticed the sky turned an ominous black and the rumble of thunder hovered above my hat. This couldn’t be correct, so I took my phone out and rechecked my weather app. It now said that it was going to rain in one minute and last for the next two hours. Say what? I drew as much as I could before fleeing. I argued with my weather app the whole subway ride home to no avail.
I think because of my unique attire, the guards at Natural History museum wave me through bag checks and such. They know me in the Eskimo Hall too. The guards probably wonder why I’m sitting on a camping stool and not being escorted into the Prada runway show at Bryant Park. What can I say, I own all these fancyboy clothes, so I might as well wear them. I’ve even caught the Northwest Coast Indian tribal masks gaping at me.
When I do a drawing like this, I get to be my own curator. These treasures were in different dioramas in the Asia section of the Natural History Museum. I get to pick and choose my favorites and display them the way I deem works best. I guess this page is actually my very own little, messy diorama.
Eskimo Art
On my recent jaunts to the Museum of Natural History, I bypassed the animal taxidermy dioramas and instead explored the rooms I’ve long avoided. Eskimo Hall seemed to pull me towards it like a magnet. The ceremonial masks and totem poles are some of the loveliest works of art I’ve ever laid eyes on. This is the first of several drawings I did over a few days hanging out there. A small girl appeared a few inches from my face to ask what I was up to. She said she draws too. After a discussion, she wanted me to guess her age, even offering a clue. She pointed to her pigtails. I counted 5 and guessed that number. She was delighted. I asked what happens when she turns 16. She inferred that I already knew what was going to happen. Her mom hung for a long time because pigtails didn’t want to leave. Then she introduced me to her three-year-old sister. You guessed it, she also draws. These are my favorite museum encounters.
2 Trees
On a recent trip to The Berkshires, I did a drawing of these two tree trunks. This illustration is inspired by the artist, @dinabrodsky. She’s the master of sketching and painting trees among other things. Check out her gorgeous work. My Brodsky seems drawn by someone working for Mad Magazine giving it that Kane twist.
Adirondacks Eatery
This kooky little food stand was in the Adirondacks. I’m now back in New York City which is blanketed by Canadian wildfire smoke. It’s obvious that climate change plays a major role. The meat industry is responsible for a large share of global greenhouse gas emissions which contribute to global warming. Maybe cut back on the burgers and pork chops if you want to breath better air.
I drew multiple duck decoys that were in the Adirondacks house I stayed in recently. The rest of the goodies I collected in the woods except for the monkey and whistle. I never saw a single squirrel while hiking. There doesn't seem to be too many in the Adirondacks. I couldn't scrape up a single acorn no matter how hard I searched.
I spent a few days at my cousin Eileen’s lake house in the Adirondacks. A couple of my other cousins were also there. We haven’t hung out like that since we were kids. We hiked and partied in the woods with folks who made ten foot high, barn fires.
It’s raining apps, hallelujah. I keep my iphone stripped pretty bare. Only 30 apps live on my phone. I usually keep about 30 images in my photo album at any given time. My phone is clean and lean. That’s the way, aha, aha, I like it.
Pein Air
Everyone in my family knits except for me. My wife has taught every niece, sibling, in-law and cousin. They’ve all caught the bug. That’s why I hang out at Sheep and Wool festivals. I’m the lone non-knitter strolling about. I hid in plain site or should I say Plein Air site and drew the County Fair vibe of the whole spectacle.
Pig Law
Recently the Supreme Court upheld a California law that bans the sale of pork meat, no matter where it is produced, unless the pig at issue was born to a sow that was housed with 24 square feet of space and in conditions that allowed her to move freely. Under the law, every sale of covered pork in California that does not meet such standards is considered a crime punishable by a $1,000 fine or a 180-day prison sentence. The case raised questions regarding not only the issue of animal cruelty but whether one state could regulate another state’s production of pork and impose thousands of dollars of charges on pig farmers. The state said law was necessary so that Californians wouldn’t feel complicit in animal cruelty. The thing I question is that no one seemd to raise the point that eventually killing the pig even though it now has 24 square feet of space might also be considered animal cruelty. Just something to consider seeing as there is so much considering going on. Reminder that my Vegan Art Book is available on Amazon.
When I draw on the street lately, I’m approached by a large amount of people who turn out to be art teachers. I’m surprised by just how many art teachers there are wandering around NYC parks. I share a bit of my history and how I ended up on a stool in front of them. They want to discuss their own art and I quiz them about their students. I explain to them the importance art teachers played in my success. I drew these tulips, which happen to be my favorites, at the botanical gardens. The rest of the sketch I added later at home. If you’re looking for an explanation about this piece, you won’t receive one because your guess is as good as mine.