A tree In Prospect Park

I drew this trunk in Prospect Park. Got to try out my new REI Flexlite Folding Chair. Worked great. Excellent for the old back. There are a lot of summer day camps for kids happening in the park. Masses would march by me all dressed in identical colored camp t-shirts. At one point, a 6-year oldish kid started pointing at me and yelling frantically. “My dad knows this guy. My dad knows this guy!” He yelled it at the top of his lungs like 20 times. I never saw him before so I couldn’t back up his very loud claim. His camp counselor tried to mollify him which seemed to work somewhat. I just smiled and waved a lot. They had other fish to fry so eventually they moved on. I felt like a low-end celebrity who gets accidentally mistaken for a giant celebrity. You can either choose to pretend to be that person and take selfies and sign autographs or tell them truth and ruin everyone’s day.