Mushroom Farming

A recent New York Times article told the story of a family run hog farm that works for the big factory farm system. It got to the point where they were making no money and having to work side jobs on top of the endless farm hours. Farmer, Tanner Faaborg said, “I want to make rural America a place where people want to grow up otherwise the heartland will end up one big manufacturing plant.” Small farms have disappeared and the land has been swallowed up by large agricultural companies. Iowa is now home to 4000 factory farms, more than any other state. So, the Faaborg’s have gotten rid of the hogs and now raise mushrooms for medicinal purpose with financial help from a nonprofit group, the Transfarmation Project which is run by Mercy for Animals. Hopefully plant-based alternatives can help save some of these small family farms. Tanner wants to create a system for other farmers to eventually follow. He even convinced his parents to install solar panels and to drive an electric car.