Vegan Life

Meat eating in the United States is at an all-time high. Americans have shifted from eating beef to poultry. In the past 30 years, beef intake has fallen, while chicken intake has doubled. Cost, convenience, and health concerns are the top reasons Americans have abandoned beef. This news is not very good for the most abused and murdered animal on earth, the chicken, which happens to be a scientifically engineered creature that’s the unhealthiest one in the food chain. At slaughterhouses, workers turn the birds upside down to shackle them by their legs to a conveyor. The chickens flap and squawk in terror, and the shackling can leave them with broken legs and dislocated hips. They are dragged through electrified water, stunning them before their throats are slit. But the spasming birds sometimes miss the bath and their throats are cut while they are conscious. Most people don’t realize they are participating in animal abuse when they eat chicken but that doesn’t make the fact false. Here’s a tip, if you secretly get a bit of a thrill out of abusing animals, eating pollo is the way to go.


You know when a chef deconstructs a traditional dish. They take all the elements and serve it up in a completely different way. That’s how I drew this vase of flowers. I deconstructed the hell out of it. Then served it on a paper plate with wooden chopsticks in honor of springtime arriving. My wife told me these flowers were called ranunculus. Sounds to me like she’s making stuff up to make me look ridiculous by posting that made up word.


While russia goes about leveling as many buildings as possible in Ukraine, the Ukrainian people realize a country is much more than just its structures. This is Saints Anthony and Theodosius Cathedral in Vasylkiv, Ukraine. It may or may not survive but more importantly, resistance will endure. Buildings can alway be rebuilt. The idea that Ukrainians control their own destiny, vote for who they want as a leader, and decide how they want to live their future is stronger than any amount of edifices.

The Brooklyn Circus

My friend, Ouigi Theodore owns the coolest clothing store in Brooklyn. The Brooklyn Circus. In fact, he may be the grooviest person Ive ever met. No doubt he’s the best dresser I’ve ever known. Anyway, I did this drawing for him. If you ever want to dress like an influencer, then buy something from Ouigi’s store. I’m an old dude but I’ve been stopped on the street a hundred times and asked where I got what I’m wearing by hipsters. I always give them the same answer, “The Brooklyn Circus.”


My new dream is to one day visit Ukraine. I want to drink in the pubs, eat in the local restaurants, and visit the sites of heroes. Of course, that won’t be possible for quite some time but I do hope it becomes a reality in my lifetime. I can’t wait to draw on the streets of a free and democratic Ukraine. Here is another virtual illustration I did. It’s of St. Volodymyr’s Cathedral in Kyiv.


Of all the birds on planet earth, only 30 percent actually live in the wild. The rest are enslaved in poultry, factory farms waiting to be annihilated and a miniscule fraction are in pet shops and zoos.


During the height of the pandemic lockdown, I did a series of drawings where I pretended to virtually travel to countries I’ve always wanted to visit. Then I created what I called, a single “Vircation Drawing” of each location. One of these places happened to be Kyiv, Ukraine. I’m reposting this illustration I did of St. Andrew’s church in Kyiv. Now, none of us can physically go there. Although nothing can prevent our hearts and souls from being there alongside the Ukrainian people.

Two Brushes

When I started to do these acrylic ink paintings, I purchased four small paint brushes of various sizes. I only use two of them. My little brain loves to keep things simple. If you’ve ever looked at photographs of famous painters studios, you always see jars filled with all kinds of brushes. On my desk, I have a tiny ceramic I made that holds the two small brushes. It’s as visually unimpressive as you would imagine. As a result, there’s hardly any mess when I paint though.


I think I figured out that I don’t really paint. I more or less do a drawing while using a brush instead of a pen. Therefore, I don’t think of myself as a painter when I do these. I’m sort of an illuspainter. It’s not easy breaking my habits and stop relying on my ancient bag of drawing tricks.


I can always pull a rabbit out of my pen.