This is a copy of a Caravaggio painting. I modernized it a bit.
This is an exact copy I did of the painting, “The Virgin Carrying The Sleeping Child With Three Angles” by Luini in 1683. If you’re having trouble telling the original from the copy, the original has a gold frame around it. Luini’s resides in the Louvre. Mine is on page 36 of the sketchbook on my desk.
Copyists are artists who set up easels in a museum to make an exact replica of an old master painting using the actual painting as reference. Experts at the Louvre wondered if using my pens and a sketchbook, could I replicate a master painting from their permanent collection? Because of Covid19 I couldn’t paint from the original and had to use a photo from an art book instead. They were stunned by my replica of “The Marriage At Cana,” by painter David Gerard in 1683. Some Louvre historians had trouble distinguishing between the original and mine done with Muji colored pens. So they’ve asked me to do a few more.
Pandemic Streets Of Brooklyn
I did this drawing sitting in my car in Red Hook, Brooklyn. There were two beat up old Airstream trailers parked on different side streets. I figure people must be making contaminated family members quarantine out there for a few weeks. I hope my wife doesn’t read this, she may make me sleep on the street in Red Hook. I’ll just have to pretend I’m camping.
The number of pigs being slaughtered but not used for food during the pandemic is staggering. The National Pork Producers Association estimates up to 10 million hogs could be euthanized between April and September. In Iowa, the nation’s largest pork-producing state, officials expect the backlog to reach 600,00 hogs over the next six weeks. In Minnesoata, 90,000 pigs have been killed on farms since the meat plants began closing. One Minnesoata farmer sealed the cracks in his barn and piped in carbon dioxide through the ventilation system. Another shot his pigs in the head with a gun. It took him all day. Disposing of the carcasses has been near to impossible. Local residents fear the large amount of buried decomposing bodies will contaminate the water supply. Another reason to greatly reduce the amount of meat you eat. Better yet, don’t eat any at all.
As the weather warms and people go outside, we need to continue our social distance vigilance to keep each other safe.
The New Normal
What kind of future are we leaving for the next generations?
Full moon over New York City. Manhattan has changed a lot since Covid19.
During my shelter at home, I’ve been watching Ken Burn’s, History of Baseball. A must see.
Plastic Pollution
up in landfills and the oceans. So basically there is no recycling of plastic. But why do we all do it so fastidiously? That’s because the suppliers of it want us to believe its being turned into bicycles, benches and sandals. Who are the suppliers you say? BP, Mobil, Exxon, Chevron and on and on. Platic is a petroleum based product so the oil producers make a fortune off the stuff. Decades ago there began a big push against single use plastic. So the oil companies themselves came up with the idea of recycling plastic. They just wanted consumers to believe it was all being recycled and unfortunately they succeeded with the help of politicians. They figured out that technically a lot of the plastic can be recycled but it is so costly to do it that it makes no sense for anyone to ever attempt it. But because of that technicality, they can put recycle logos and save the earth symbols all over their crap and packaging. They run TV commercials with platic bottles rolling down the street turning into park benches. You would think they were the Sierra Club. It’s all BS. I will raise my hand and say I am the biggest idiot of all because I am only now understanding this. I’m a dope and easily duped. I need to rethink some of my behavior.
Gale Robbins 1941
This is a drawing of Gale Robbins, an actress and singer from the 1940s. I love her hairstyle.
Pig Virus
The third largest pork factory in the United States has shut down because over 600 workers at the Smithfield Foods plant in South Dakota have contacted coronavirus. Raw for and coronavirus doesn’t sound like a good picture. This will put a big dent in the supply chain of pork products. Seems that people don’t cook so much pork at home. They mostly order it at cafeterias and restaurants which are closed. The processors have an overabundance of bacon and nowhere to sell it. So you know what happens as a result. Don’t make me spell it out. Now that folks aren’t eating as much unhealthy, cancer causing, heart attack giving poison, maybe people will just continue to consume a lot less of it after this pandemic alters the way people live.